We have recently expanded our range of products that can accompany your flower bouquets, whether roses or round bouquetsbaskets or orchids.

You have already gotten into the habit of offering our delicious Pyramide Chocolates as well as candles from different brands, such as those from Frères Carrière or those from the famous Maison Trudon… we now offer you a selection of soft toys that you can discover in clicking on this link. Who could resist such cute bunnies and teddy bears?

You can now also accompany your bouquets of flowers to Monaco with a bottle of Champagne Ruinart. Ideal for celebrating Love or celebrating a birthday.

Reminder: alcohol is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation. Sale and delivery are prohibited to minors (consult our general conditions of sale on this subject).

Bouteille de champagne Ruinart, suggestion de présentation.

Bouteille de champagne Ruinart, suggestion de présentation.